Paper and Us
Paper and Us
‘writing on a blank page’
‘Smell’ the paper and, within it, nature and the forest. Three friends, protecting one another.
‘Touch’ its surface. We caress it, dreaming of and planning our present and future – our ‘declarations of love’.
‘Taste’ our sweet, bitter, piquant moments.
‘Hear’ the rustle of pages in the autumn wind and the sea breeze.
‘See’, in its various typographical forms, knowledge, information, evolution.
With paper, we accompany our own lives, writing our own story …

‘our story’
It was the passion of Georgios Tsolis for the graphic arts that led him to create the Paper Emporium. In 1973 – already an accomplished and innovative printer – he founded the ‘G. Tsolis and Co. LP’ based in Mets, marrying graphic arts and the paper retail.
In 1989, needing larger warehouses, the company moved its headquarters to its own 4,000 m2 facilities in Alimos, becoming a Société Anonyme in 1990.
Today, as it turns 50, the company is headed by Eleana G. Tsoli, who holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and is maintaining the company’s leading position prestige. The company embraces a people- and customer-centred philosophy, and Eleana Tsoli’s leadership is based on the triptych of ‘employee, customer and supplier satisfaction’. Faith in the values of her father, the company’s founder, underpins the company’s continuous development.

12 Aeroporias str.
phone: +30 210 9954302
Registration Number: 122421301000
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